Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Circumstances Don't Change

I don't know why, but it's taken me quite awhile to realize  circumstances don't change!  I keep hoping they will change so I can do the things I'd like to do such as "exercise and eat better."    I keep hoping I'll just feel more energetic or have more time....but how many of you know it just doesn't work out that way.     The energy never just comes. Time just never falls in your lap(especially with little ones around).........You have to make the decision even though you are exhaused and don't have "time" you have to make it and do it anyways or it will NEVER get done.
You have to create the life you want because it will never happen if you don't make the changes.
So with that said...exercise...done today! (yea! 1 day down a lifetime to go).  I fit it in because I have to or I'll never be the person I need and want to be.     I hope I can purpose to continue this and make time for myself........I need to take care of me too!

There are many areas in my life this applies to....exercise,home,relationships,etc...  Anyone else have an area you've decided you were not happy with so you are changing it?

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